Cookie policy

What are cookies?

We use cookies when providing our services. Cookies are small, simple text files that your computer receives when you visit Cookies are used on most websites.

Cookies make browsing easier

By using cookies, we ensure that you do not repeatedly receive the same information. Nor do you constantly need to enter the same information when visiting our website. They make it easier for you to browse our website. Cookies also allow us to see how people use our website and how we can improve it.

Cookies are safe

Cookies are safe to use: no personal information, such as a phone number or email address, can be derived from cookies. We cannot and will never use cookies for email and telemarketing operations. For all details about how we treat your personal data, please read our Privacy policy.

Blocking cookies

You may block cookies or withdraw your consent to them being used. Most internet browsers can be set up to reject cookies. Check with your preferred browser how you can do this.

Please note: if you choose to disable cookies via the browser or block them in any other way, you may find that certain services or elements of the website do not work properly or stop working at all.
X uses cookies

Cookies help us improve your website experience. By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies. Read more about our cookie policy.
